Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sommerset NJ Marriage Counselor Discusses Jump Start Program for Saving Your Marriage

If you: * are at the brink of ending your relationship. * can't seem to have a discussion with your partner without it ending up in anger. * love your partner but really don't like them.

If you can relate to the any of the three statements above, and
want the best chance or maybe your last chance at turning things
around consider "The Intensive Jumpstart Session".

"The Intensive Jumpstart Session" is a two hour meeting which
can be used to: * go far more deeply into the issues than you would during an initial single meeting. * learn techniques to handle the anger, hurt and hostility that has developed from your incompatibility. * improve your communication with your partner. * understand and redirect the anger & resentment that has developed over a long period of time.

The "The Intensive Jumpstart Session" can make an important difference in getting counseling off to a positive start when time and patience are running out on both sides. We can work on issues that are causing the biggest problems, and tackle them first, and still have time to move along quickly to issues surrounding them.

I have found over the years that these intensive counseling sessions with couples have proven to create a deeper connection over a shorter period of time.

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